Type and location Residential, Shamong, NJ
Description A ground mount which is an exception to the rule for residential sites. After some strategy changes regarding a house rebuild on the ’existing’ house site and NJCEP policy changes requiring an original 16 KW multi facet array roof configuration to change-order to under 10KW, the ground mount was the solution.
Comments Ground mounts add costs to solar PV systems due to the structure required. However, in this case there originally were 3 separate roofs with 3 different azimuth and pitch angles. The added cost for the ground structure was virtually eliminated by improved solar production since this structure could be set at the optimal 180 degree south azimuth at optimal pitch; multiple facet rooftops often do not allow this flexibility.
Design Information Design submitted to State by R. Barbarics for original configuration taken directly from architect’s drawings and then change-ordered to 10 KW as a ground mount for rebate compliance. Array consists of multi-junction polycrystalline modules.